
  • On the effectiveness of communication strategies as non-pharmaceutical interventions to tackle epidemics.

    Alejandro Bernardin, Alejandro J MartĂ­nez, Tomas Perez-Acle.


  • Una mirada a la cultura de datos en Chile: DesafĂ­os y lecciones de la pandemia por COVID-19. (A look at the data culture in Chile: Challenges and lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic)

    Demian Arancibia, Rafael Araos, Leonardo Basso, Loreto Bravo, José Guridi, Steffen Härtel, Alejandro Jara, Alejandro Mass, Pablo Marquet, Soraya Mora, Tomás Perez-Acle.


  • On the interplay between mobility and hospitalization capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic: The SEIRHUD model

    Tomás Veloz, Pedro Maldonado, Samuel Ropert, César Ravello, Soraya Mora, Alejandra Barrios, Tomás Villaseca, César Valdenegro, and Tomás Perez-Acle


  • COVID-19 Suppression using a Testing/Quarantine Strategy: A Multi-paradigm Simulation Approach Based on a SEIRTQ Compartmental Model, 2022

    Samuel Ropert, Tomas Perez-Acle, Alejandro Bernardin


  • Lower vaccination coverage against COVID-19 in school-aged children is associated with low socioeconomic status in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile

    Enzo Guerrero-Araya, Cesar Ravello, Mario Rosemblatt, Tomas Perez-Acle


© 2023 Computational Biology Lab (DLAB) Fundación Ciencia & Vida | Chile
Del Valle Norte 725, Huechuraba, Santiago Chile 8580702